Home - Gwynedd Council Webcasts

Webcast overview 

Coming soon

Care Scrutiny Committee

Thursday, 3rd April 2025 at 10:30am
Care Scrutiny Committee
03/04/2025 10.30 am
Siambr Hywel Dda, Council Offices, Caernarfon, Gwynedd, LL55 1SH

Recent Webcasts

Planning Committee

Monday, 24th March 2025 at 1:00pm
Planning Committee
24/03/2025 1.00 pm
Hybrid - Siambr Dafydd Orwig, Swyddfeydd y Cyngor, Caernarfon LL55 1SH

Communities Scrutiny Committee

Thursday, 20th March 2025 at 10:30am
Communities Scrutiny Committee
20/03/2025 10.30 am
Siambr Hywel Dda, Swyddfeydd y Cyngor Caernarfon ac yn rhithiol drwy Zoom

The Cabinet

Tuesday, 11th March 2025 at 1:00pm
The Cabinet
11/03/2025 1.00 pm
Hybrid Meeting - Siambr Hywel Dda, Council Offices, Caernarfon, LL55 1SH and on Zoom


We will be webcasting meetings of the Full Council, Planning Committee meetings (when held in Caernarfon) and any other committee meeting which is likely to be of interest.

From here you will be able to view webcasts of live and archived meetings.

What is a webcast? A webcast is a transmission of audio and video over the internet. Cameras in our Council chambers capture the live information which is then accessible on the Council's website to anyone who wishes to view it.

How do I view a webcast? If you have an internet connection you can watch the meetings from the comfort of your own home. You can watch them while they are happening and for up to 6 months afterwards. You will also find links on the webcasting page to the agenda and reports for the meeting that you are watching which will give you useful information about the issues that are being discussed.

Meeting archive If you miss a meeting or want to watch part or all of it again you can do so for up to six months after the date of the meeting. The index points also let you jump to a specific agenda point or speaker.

Feedback You can submit comments and feedback about the webcasts themselves using the feedback form provided at the bottom of each webcast page.

After we begin webcasting, Gwynedd Council's meetings will be displayed on the right hand side of this page. Click on the title of the meeting you want to view. For older meetings, choose the link below;

Translation As all our public meetings are conducted through the medium of Welsh, the English feed of the webcasts is a live simultaneous translation and is recorded live by members of the Council's Translation Team. This also means that translated versions of any slides and presentations shown during a meeting may not be available until the archived version is published, although we will endeavour to obtain translated versions beforehand.

Meetings which do not require a translator will not automatically be broadcast bilingually. If you wish to view a meeting and require a translated feed, please contact the email address below before 5 pm on the working day before a meeting. If we do not receive any requests for a translated feed, we cannot guarantee that a translated feed will be available.

To request a live translation of a meeting, or to obtain access to archived webcasts beyond 6 months please contact: gwasanaethdemocratiaeth@gwynedd.llyw.cymru

What Can I Expect to See? Whilst viewing a webcast of the full Council or one of the committees, the procedures will be unfamiliar to those who aren’t used to them.

  • The person who will feature most during the webcast will be the meeting’s chair, who is responsible for steering the discussion and leading the councillors to come to a decision. That can mean arriving at a consensus that is agreeable to the committee or, more formally, by discussing specific motions and amendments as tabled by individual councillors.
  • The level of formality will vary from meeting to meeting. During meetings of the full Council councillors are expected to stand to speak, but the atmosphere is more informal during other committees to encourage discussion, such as during scrutiny committees.
  • Procedural rules govern all the Council’s meetings; with arrangements that expect the councillors and officers present to speak “through the chair” as well as limits on the number of times that a councillor can speak on an item.
  • The councillors sit in the chamber, but as well as the councillors themselves, some professional officers as well as, occasionally, individuals that have been invited to speak, will be contributing to the discussion to help the committee to come to a decision on an item.
  • The majority of councillors receive their agendas electronically, and have tablet computers that contain their papers and can be used to annotate documents, but some councillors continue to use paper copies of the agendas.

If you have any further questions about the procedures and events shown on the webcasts, please contact: gwasanaethdemocratiaeth@gwynedd.llyw.cymru


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